AI-generated art can often look a bit creepy, since the computer doesn’t have an understanding of human anatomy, for example. It just puts together new images based on thousands of images that were put into a dataset. So sometimes AI-generated images have weird or creepy looking humans with 7 fingers, or deformed heads. But it can more or less reliably spit out a red panda dancing in the pale moonlight in the style of Albrecht Dürer if you want it to. Many of the generated images look a bit weird, or creepy. But every art style of the past or present is within its reach, provided it has ben fed with enough scraped data about it. If it’s on the internet, it’s very likely you can find it in a dataset used by AI image generators. AI art is already beginning to flood stock image services. Especially for fields like editorial illustration that are often based on very abstract concepts and imagery, it’s being used already by magazines or web publications. We are only in the beginning stages on this technology, so it’s very likely that the results will become more refined over time.

Texts written by language models often produce texts that seem weirdly hollow, but they can imitate all kinds of styles. Poems, product reviews, summaries of novels, talks, code, fairy tales, scientific papers – there’s nothing Chat GPT won’t generate for you, and it always presents the results sounding very confident and matter of fact – even if the facts don’t hold up and are entirely fabricated. In the case of scientific papers, it just makes up its own non-existing citations to make the text sound like a scientific paper. In the case of code, it produces code that won’t work. If you ask it to summarize a novel, it will do so without even having access to the novel, and simply claim random things about it. If you ask it to write your bio, it will do so and simply make up stuff. This technology has no built-in fact checker, and it doesn’t announce that it just makes up things out of thin air – or rather out of the data it has been fed and puts together in convincing sounding sentences.