Artificial intelligence is getting a lot of attention lately, that’s why I am not surprised why everyone would like to know what are the actual pros and cons of that industry.




  • Giving the ability to create and apply knowledge to a system to make it perform naturally, just like a human or animal
  • If the AI is coded properly and the technique of connecting huge data sets with the machine made properly the precision and accuracy of the machine could be incredible,
  • Thank to the technology they could be used to complete dangerous tasks which may injure a human like working in a hostile environment,
  • AI could be a great opportunity for the health industry since they could help to understand stimulation of the medical procedures, how they can affect a human,




  • The costs of the creation could be high and as well as the programmers and engineers are a higher paid employees,
  • Software development is a slow process and it takes time and high cost
  • There is a possibility that because of the AI technology some factories can start changing their employees to robots, since they are having less needs than a human,
  • Machines can lead to destruction if they are used improperly and by a wrong person,
  • They can be useful but will never be able to have such a high creativity level as a human brain and a common sense


Moreover, venture capital funding towards AI increased almost 5 times in recent years, which means that this technology will progress faster than we could expect. This and all the other facts about artificial intelligence make it a popular topic in recent years.